Tittle Author Publisher Publication date ISBN Language Genre File Type |
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1001 Algebra II Practice Problems For Dummies Mary Jane Sterling John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2013 978-1-118-69075-8 English Tutorial |
This book contains 1,001 algebra problems, their answers, and complete solutions to each. There are 17 problem chapters, and each chapter has many different sets of questions. The sets of questions are sometimes in a logical, sequential order, going from one part of a topic to the next and then to the next. Other times the sets of questions represent the different ways a topic can be presented. In any case, you’re given brief instructions on doing the problems. And sometimes you’re given a particular formula or format to use. Feel free to refer to other algebra books, such as Algebra II For Dummies,to give you ideas on how to solve some of the problems.
Instead of just having answers to the problems, you find a worked-out solution for each and every one. Flip to the last chapters of the book for the step-by-step processes needed to solve the problems. The solutions include verbal explanations inserted in the work where necessary. Sometimes an alternate procedure may be offered. Not everyone does algebra exactly the same way, but this book tries to provide the most understandable and successpromoting process to use when solving the algebra problems presented.
Instead of just having answers to the problems, you find a worked-out solution for each and every one. Flip to the last chapters of the book for the step-by-step processes needed to solve the problems. The solutions include verbal explanations inserted in the work where necessary. Sometimes an alternate procedure may be offered. Not everyone does algebra exactly the same way, but this book tries to provide the most understandable and successpromoting process to use when solving the algebra problems presented.
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