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Ancient Greece and Rome: An Encyclopedia For Students (Vol.1) Carroll Moulton Karen Day 1998 0-684-80503-0 English History .pdf .mobi .epub |
The information about the classical world contained in Ancient Greece and Rome can offer no more than a glimpse of the vitality and continuing relevance of the classical tradition.What it canfacilitate is a renewed exploration of the Mediterranean cultures thatleft such a critical, enduring impact on Europe and the Americas. The spirit of this reexploring it is tobe hoped, will be as inclusive as teachers and students can make it. It will blend practicalutility with a esthetic appreciation, cultural literacy with pluralist awareness.As the Harvard political theorist Seyl Benhabib remarks in an essay published in Field Work(1996): "The globalization and pluralization of the canon will not destroy those values of the life of the mind that the ancient Greeks first discovered in their encounter with the power of logos,of reason and speech: curiosity, courage,the power to question and toresist, to challenge the given, and the urge to go 'beyond the appearances'.
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